New workflow for creating calibrated intaglio positives
The link below leads to a download page with a new calibration workflow for polymer plates photogravure for printmakers using the QuadToneRIP printing software. The workflow enables the user to create perfect positives with a minimum of wasted plate material. Link to post
The super-easy QTR profile for making relief printing negatives

Making a relief plate requires the use of a negative. The basic scenario is this: a negative allows a lot of light through the clear areas and no UV light through the dark areas. The dark areas of the plate do not harden and the light areas harden completely. What this requires is a negative that has very dense black ink intended to block light. Fortunately for those using Epson printers for making relief negatives, there exists a wonderful little RIP (Raster Image Processor) called QuadToneRIP that gives complete control over how ink is deposited on the negative. The usefulness...